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1st Bahrain- Israel Fintech Event

Aug. 2, 2022

A first of its kind fintech cooperation agreement was signed today, Tuesday, 2 August 2022 between Bahrain FinTech Bay, among the leading fintech hubs in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) and the Israel Advanced Technologies Industry (IATI), the umbrella organization for the high-tech industry in Israel.

Under the agreement, Bahrain FinTech Bay and IATI will strive to enhance and develop the fintech ecosystem in the region. Both parties will cooperate on joint projects and community events and will facilitate communications and introductions between fintech and venture capital organizations and companies seeking to expand in both countries.

The agreement was signed in a festive occasion at the Tel Aviv Hilton Hotel, with senior officials of the Bahrain fintech industry who were flown to Israel especially for the event and leaders of the Israeli fintech industry, joined by the Bahrain ambassador to Israel, Khaled Yousif al-Jalahma.

Among the participants:Dov Kotler, Chief Executive Officer at Bank Hapoalim, Yoni Assia, founder and CEO of eToro, Yossi Cohen, SoftBank manager and former chairman of The Mossad, Adv. Karin Mayer Rubinstein, CEO and President of Israel Advanced Technology Industries (IATI).

Link to the Article in Globes

Link to the article in Maariv

Link to the article in The Times of Israel

Link to the article in ICE

Link to pictures from the event

Link to the article in Israel Hayom

Link to the article in Maariv Breaking News

Link to the article in Yediot Aharonot

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