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Bringing Your Start-Up to the Silicon Valley

Nov. 30, 2014

Bringing Your Start-Up to the Silicon Valley
November 30  –  17:00 PM

Location: The Academic College Of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo

10 Hever Haleumim St. Tel-Aviv-Yaffo
The Economics & Management Building, 1st’ Floor, Room: 102

3 industry professionals will share their lessons, tips and tricks of how to bring your venture to the Silicon Valley.

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17:00-17:15 – Welcome & Gathering
17:15-17:30 – Greeting & Opening Remarks- Dr. Eyal Benjamin

3 Ways to the Silicon Valley and back
17:30-17:45 – Mrs. Andrea Kruchik-Krell – Moving to Silicon Valley – Lessons learned.

17:45-18:00 – Mr. Gil Ben-Artzy – This Isn’t HBO: Tried And True Ways To Succeed In Silicon Valley.

18:00-18:15 – Mr. Baruch Deutsch – From TLV to SFO: growing a startup half-way across the globe.

18:15-19:15 – Panel

Participants:  Mrs. Andrea Kruchik-Krell, Mr. Gil Ben-Artzy, Mr. Baruch Deutsch
Moderator: Dr. Eyal Benjamin

19:15-19:45 – Networking & Coffee

About the speakers
Mrs. Andrea Kruchik-Krell- Andrea is Co-Founder & VP Partnerships at Parko, a crowdsourcing solution to parking. Prior to this, she founded a microfinance organization called microfy, helping low income earners in Tel-Aviv to start their own small businesses. Andrea was born in Uruguay, moved to Israel in 2003, studied economics at Bar-Ilan University and relocated to San Francisco in 2014 to set up Parko’s operations in the US.

Mr. Gil Ben-Artzy – Gil is passionate about helping Israeli entrepreneurs that build their startups in Israel and Silicon Valley.
In 2005, he joined Yahoo!’s Corporate Development group, working on strategy & acquisitions, as well as managing the relationships with the Israeli ecosystem of investors, entrepreneurs and startups. In this role, he led the acquisition of Yahoo!’s first Israel-based startup (FoxyTunes) and helped open the company’s first R&D center in Haifa. He left Yahoo! during the summer of 2011 to dedicate his time to UpWest Labs, a Palo Alto-based Accelerator focused on supporting Israeli entrepreneurs. Gil holds a BA in Economics & Business Administration from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and an MBA with Honors from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Mr. Baruch Deutsch – Baruch Deutsch is a seasoned marketing executive, who lived and worked for 20yrs in Silicon Valley before returning to Israel.  He held senior marketing positions at both large corporations and start-ups – three of which were acquired. His last startup, Actona Technologies, was acquired by Cisco Systems where he helped grow the product revenues to over $200M per year. Baruch is intimately familiar with Israeli-American companies, and often helped bridge the cultural and business gaps between these two thriving hi-tech communities.

Dr. Eyal Benjamin –  Eyal  is an entrepreneurship-strategy scholar and a serial entrepreneur passionate about innovations. Eyal has established four start-ups by now, two of which were sold. Holding a B.Sc. in engineering from the Tel-Aviv university in Israel; Masters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; and a PhD. on the topic of “radical changes in strategy of high technology new ventures” both from the Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
Currently Eyal heads the StartHub entrepreneurship accelerator program, and acts as a lecturer at the Tel Aviv Yaffo Academic College (Israel).

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