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Call for companies to Meet Bharat Forge, an Indian World Leader in Transportation Technologies

Nov. 6, 2017

Priority for IATI members

Bharat Forge Ltd. From the Kalyani Group India, a world leader in transportation technologies, is seeking to meet with automotive companies on November 14th-15th

The group is seeking for companies in the fields of:

Mobility Solutions – Electric Mobility, Autonomous Systems;
Innovative Manufacturing Processes (Not limited to Addictive Manufacturing);
Image/Video Processing – essentially cover the spectrum in a broad sense.

For collaboration by:

Commercial cooperation
Investment in know-how and technologies
Adaptation of existing technologies and products to the Indian and global markets requirement
Co-development of technologies

With global presence, and about 6,000 employees, Bharat Forge has a revenue of $1.4 Billion. Its clientele includes most of the leading companies in the Automotive industry.

If interested, please send your company’s one pager to [email protected] by Monday November 6th, 2017.

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