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Call For Innovative FoodTech Startups

Jan. 10, 2019

Eilat Tech Center leads the Eilat Food Tech Accelerator In partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Economy and it’s operating branches for small and medium businesses and Maof.
The Eilat Food Tech Accelerator is positioning you in front of the top food brands, industry leaders, top investors, leading legal and financial firms as well as top government branches.
Learn, Evolve, Grow!

Presenting top brands such as: 
Eilat Hub, The Kitchen (food tech incubator by Strauss), Arieli Capital, Champion Capital Group, Microsoft, Google, Yotvata Dairies, Krypton VC, Startup Nation Central, APM Legal Firm, Israel Advanced Technology industries, Eilat Municipality and many more…

Startups and strategic partners, learn more and APPLY NOW here: https://www.eilatfoodtech.com/  

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