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Call for Israeli FinTech start-ups: Join Luxembourg FinTech Roadshow. Deadline April 25, 2016

Apr. 25, 2016

Roadshow of Israeli Fintech startups: Luxembourg, June 21-22, 2016.

The event will target Israeli Fintech Startups with products that cater for the needs of private banking, wealth management, asset management, investment fund management; as far as possible with synergistic products rather than products competing with these institutions.

Areas of interest are:
– Regulatory technologies such as Robo-advisor, KYC (know your customer), AML (anti-money laundry), compliance and risk management

– E-Payments and E-money

– Anti-Fraud and cybersecurity

– Trading & Investments

–  Lending &  Financing

– Blockchain

– Customer Engagement.

The companies should be mature enough to go to market / be close to go to market, and have of course an interest in expanding in Europe.

Lodging costs are covered for the participating companies (i.e. 2 nights in a hotel located in Luxembourg city and local hosting).

For the Agenda and more info click here.

Interested companies are kindly asked to fill in the Application Form attached and send it together with One Pager/Executive Summary to me at [email protected] ASAP and no later than April 25th 2016.

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