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Call for Materials and Print Start-ups to Apply for the Kodak Open Labs Program

Nov. 30, 2017

Kodak Israel is announcing the opening of an innovative program for startups in the Material Science and Print industries and you are invited to apply.

The Kodak Open Labs Program will make chemistry labs and associated resources available to up to 6 selected companies in the material science space, mainly in Printed Electronics, 3D Printing and Smart Materials.

Participating companies will be part of Kodak program which will provide five layers of support:

Facilities – A shared open analytical lab, equipment library, dedicated lab chemist, private lab and office space.
Services – Technical services and regulatory support such as health and safety consulting.
Networking – Mentorship, workshops by experts and connections to industry leaders.
Knowledge – Access to Kodak’s 130 years of leading technology and expertise.
Amenities – WIFI, dining room, security, meeting rooms and more.

Selected companies will be required to pay a participation fee for the program.

For more information and to apply to the program please contact Inbar Yacoby at      [email protected] or call 073-3725336 

 Applications will be accepted until November 30th, 2017.

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