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Call for VCs & Private Angels to participate in the Italian Startup Event . Deadline to apply Aug. 12, 2016

Aug. 12, 2016

The Italian Trade Agency is organizing an Israeli delegation of Venture Capitalist and private Angles to participate in a 48 hours Italian Startups event that will take place between the 6 – 7 October 2016 in Italy Sardegna.

The Italian Trade Agency is a governmental Institution supporting the internationalization of Italian firms, their presence and consolidation in foreign markets,

The selected Israeli VC’s will enjoy a full coverage of the mission expenses including flight tickets and hotel accommodation.

The selection of the Israeli companies is reserved exclusively to the ITALIAN TRADE AGENCY IN TEL AVIV based on the following obligatory criteria:

1. Company strategical policy must include investing in foreign startups.
2. Investments in seed and pre-seeds startups stages.
3. Scale of investments: between 250,000 – 3,000,000 Euro.
4. Main Investments preference sectors: Information Communication Technology,
Internet, IT & Enterprise Software.
5. Headquarter based in Israel.

The companies interested in applying are requested to contact Dorit Zipovsky Ezer: [email protected] no later than the 12/8/16.

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