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Presentation by Jim Hamilton: “I Have a Cool Proof-of-Concept…Am I Ready for the US?”

Jul. 2, 2013

Presentation by Jim Hamilton who helped Shape the High Tech Industry

We are very happy to invite you to our next event – a presentation by Jim Hamilton entitled  “I Have a Cool Proof-of-Concept…Am I Ready for the US?” The event will be held on TuesdayJuly 2nd, at 5:30 PM at Microsoft Herzlia, in the framework of Microsoft’s Think Next Academy. Address: 13 Shenkar St., Gav-Yam, Building No. 5, Auditorium, Floor L2.

Please register on ISN’s Meetup site: http://www.meetup.com/IsraelStartupNetwork

Jim, who will be visiting from the US, is a dynamic operational leader and entrepreneur with an extensive career in “C-level” executive management, international retail, global sourcing, e-commerce, marketing and advertising, public and investor relations, finance, operations, logistics, technology innovation, and portfolio management.


Considered one of the “Fathers of Mass Computer Retailing“, he co-founded and managed three of the top five computer retailers in the formative years of the computer industry and was instrumental in assisting and launching hundreds of brands like Apple, IBM, Compaq, HP, Microsoft, and Intel to the mass market. He is widely recognized for his experience in helping shape the high-tech industry and has served on the executive councils of most major computer vendors including Intel, Microsoft, Apple and IBM.

He is the former Vice President of the $5.3 Billion RadioShack Corporation and former VP and General Manager of Motorola Mobility’s Channel Group.  He is currently the CEO of the investment and strategic consulting firmIdentity Ventures, assisting companies with strategic planning, worldwide sales, marketing and distribution, capital raising, product development and global sourcing initiatives. One of the many companies Jim has assisted is PowerMat Ltd., where he served as co-CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.



Jim will be happy to answer your questions during Q&A. You are welcome to send your questions in advance of the event to Arlene



Jim will be happy to meet people, time permitting, during the networking portions of our event.

He will also have limited time to meet one-on-one with a few selected companies. These meetings will be with companies that can benefit most from his experience – companies that intend to use channels, whether brick and mortar or e-tailing, to reach customers. They should have a product on the market or be close to bringing the product to market, and should have the resources to embark on a channel program. If this fits your current situation, please send your requests before 5PM Tuesday, June 25th, to [email protected].



– 5:30-6:00 – Registration and Networking

– 6:00-6:15 – Welcome by ISN and MS + Announcements

– 6:15-7:00 – Presentation by Jim Hamilton

– 7:00-7:30 – Q&A

– 7:30-8:30 – Networking

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