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From RFC1 to Internet of Things – Nothing But Net, Special Meeting with Dr. Steve Crocker

Jan. 28, 2014

We would like to extend a personal invitation to a special meeting with Dr. Steve Crocker – Chairman of ICANN and one of the founding fathers of the Internet.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 28, 2014, at 5pm, in Tel Aviv University.**Please note that this is a closed, by-invitation meeting.

The exact location will be announced soon.

Steve Crocker is one of the handful of people who “were there” in the late 1960’s and created the technology of what later became the Internet. He wrote the first RFC, later to become the massive body of work that is the set of Internet standards, the technology which nowadays lives within anything that’s connected to the net. Throughout the years Steve played a key role in the forming of IETF, ISOC, ICANN and other fundamental elements that are now vital parts of the Internet, and has also been deeply involved in several aspects of Internet- and Cyber-Security. He currently serves as chair of ICANN – The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.


In this meeting, Dr. Crocker will present his unique perspective of Internet timeline, from the early miniscule research and defense network until today’s ubiquitous networking, looking towards the new frontiers yet to be uncovered, along with the challenges brought about with them – among which are cyber threats and security.

A rare opportunity to hear a true pioneer, with a unique point of view on how we got to where we are and where we might be going.

**Please note that this is a closed, by-invitation meeting.

We will be happy to have you attend this meeting. Due to the short time frame, we’d be grateful if you could RSVP as soon as possible, using the registration form.

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