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Health Care Technological Innovation From Idea to Commercialization

Dec. 9, 2013

Following the great success of our previous six courses we are going to have our seventh course on December 9-11th, 2013.

Please forward this announcement to your life sciences  companies, your executives and urge them to register!

The intensive three day program focuses on the critical elements in the formation, launch, and strategic and operational management of health-related technologies, with a particular focus on companies developing enabling technologies in biotechnology and medical devices used in human treatment and diagnosis. The program is taught/lead by top tier faculty members who are top executives from successful international medical device and bio-pharmaceutical companies as well as accomplished attorneys, venture capitalists, regulators and academicians from leading US and worldwide healthcare institutions. Our program is one of only a handful in the world that brings together leaders from emerging, high potential companies together with talented, experienced faculty.

You can find the topics for the upcoming course in our web site as well as the comments of participants and faculty from previous courses. http://biomedmanagement.tau.ac.il/.

This course is one step in building the life science industry in Israel.

The upcoming program will take place on December 9-11, 2013 (Monday to Wednesday), at the Recanati Business School, Tel – Aviv University.

For detailed information about the program – click here.

For a list of lecturers and background information – click here

Download registration form – here

Get to know this unique program by watching this Video, read participants’ recommendations and review previous programs (2012, 2011, 2010 and more …)

Leave your contact details here and we’ll get back to you.

For any further questions you may have, please do not hesitate to call Lahav’s information and registration team:

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