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IATI & Simmons & Simmons: People issues in the Tech Sector Webinar

Jun. 29, 2022

Managing a global workforce comes with a unique set of challenges. Employment laws vary significantly by country, and there are big differences in both regulatory frameworks and culture.  The challenges of  attracting and retaining talent in the hugely competitive tech sector complicates things all the more, combined with the importance of protecting your business in an ever-changing environment. 

Our panel of employment lawyers from the international firm Simmons & Simmons can help you to understand these challenges. We are looking forward to presenting a 45-minute webinar to IATI members talking about some of the HR trends we are seeing in the tech sector in our practices in: 






United Kingdom 

We will also offer tips and tricks on some of the key employment laws you need to be aware of, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions during a 15-minute Q&A session at the end 

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