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IATI & TAU India Israel Innovation Forum

Nov. 12, 2018

The India Israel Innovation Forum, co-organized by Tel Aviv University and IATI, was held with the participation of Dr. Ami Appelbaum, Chief Scientist & Israel Innovation Authority Chairman. Leading top executives of Indian corporations attended the Forum as to discuss new ways of strengthening the connections between Indian and Israeli tech enterprises. IATI CEO Karin Mayer Rubinstein spoke in the Forum’s “India-Israel Innovation Corridor” Panel, along with Executive Director of Tata Industries KRS Jamwal. We thank TAU President Prof. Joseph Klafter; Chairman of TAU (Executive Council) Dr. Giora YaronRamot CEO Shlomo Nimrodi, Mr. Gary Sussman and IATI members who attended. See you all at the next Forum!

Click for the Forum’s photo album.

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