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Impact Investing Israel Conference Discount for IATI Members

Mar. 16, 2015

We are pleased to update you that early registration for the first Impact Investing conference in Israel is now open!

For the first time in Israel, worldwide specialists, leaders and professionals will gather to explore the exciting field of Impact Investments- a growing global movement that creates opportunities for investors to make significant positive social and environmental changes while generating financial returns.

Private investors, funds, philanthropists, impact funds and business experts –
this conference is intended for you.

Join us and get to know the global arena of Impact investing and the Israeli unique innovative approach towards environmental and social challenges!

Meet local and international investors and foundations,
reveal exclusive information, current research, trends and case studies,
discover cutting-edge technologies and leading start-ups
and meet the people who have proven that
doing good and doing well can be integrated successfully

The conference will be held on Monday, 16 March 2015, 09:00-15:30, at the Carlton Hotel in Tel Aviv, as part of the pre- conference program of the annual conference of the Jewish Funders Network of Israel.
The number of participants is limited and we are opening early registration at a special price for a select list of invitees. Please share this invitation with your personal guests.

For early registration click here

Looking forward to seeing you!

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