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Innovation and Opportunities in Australia

Feb. 14, 2017

February 14th | 17:00  

Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co. (APM & Co.), ASX (Australian Securities Exchange), IACC (Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce) 
and IATI cordially invite you to attend an evening of celebrating innovation and opportunities.

On the Agenda:

Introduction – Adv. Yonatan Altman, Chairman and the Head of the High Tech and Venture Capital Department, APM& Co.

– Greetings – Mr. Paul Israel, Executive Director Israel-Australia, NZ & Oceania Chamber of Commerce

– Getting a company listed on the ASX – Mr. Eddie Grieve, Head of Listings and Issuer Services, ASX

– Finding the right Investor for you: What Australian investors are looking for, sets of criteria for investments, what’s important to investors and more – Some of Australia’s top investors (TBA)

– Do’s and Don’ts of Raising Capital in Australia (Legal aspects) –  Adv. Ian Rostowsky, partner in the High Tech and Venture Capital department, APM & Co.
Case Studies.

– One on One meetings.

Please RSVP here

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