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Israel Mobile Summit 2013 | *25% discount for IATI Members

Jun. 11, 2013

We’re glad to invite you to the Israel Mobile Summit 2013 which will be held on June.11 at YesPlanet Rishon.

The summit, entering its third year now, is the leading event of the mobile ecosystem in Israel, and it features keynotes from top speakers, panels about the hot mobile topics, an innovation showcase of the hottest Israeli mobile startups and lots of networking opportunities!

This year speakers include Eric Reiss, a world renowned UX expert, Jeff Robinson, Investor and Mentor in leading accelerators and innovation programs, Andrew Bud, the chairman of the Mobile Entertainment Forum as well as speakers from Yahoo!, Qualcomm, Google, Intel, BlackBerry, PayPal and more.

The summit also features the annual startup contest that is open for submissions until May.16, so if you have a mobile app, game or technology, make sure to apply here. Finalists get a free booth at the summit and 5 minutes to pitch their startups to the summit expert jury.

IATI is glad to offer its member a 25% discount code when registering here: www.israelmobilesummit.com

Note that the Summit this year also features 2 workshops – the Usable Usability Lean UX Workshop by Eric Reiss and The Perfect Pitch workshop by Jeff Robinson – the code above also provides 15% to these workshops


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