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Italian companies seeking collaborations with Israeli Companies. Deadline to apply: July 10, 2016

Jul. 10, 2016

Please note that the deadline to apply for Italian-Israeli collaborations is July 10, 2016. The relevant meethings will take place late September. 

IATI and the Italian Trade Agency are calling Israeli Companies
to collaborate with Italian Companies in order to jointly apply
for Bi-national Funds

The initiative, promoted by the Italian Trade Agency in Tel Aviv, aims to identify Israeli innovative companies willing to integrate their technology with Italian Companies.
This collaboration is an opportunity to apply for Bi-national Funds in the future (such as Horizon 2020).

The project presents over 40 Italian companies specialize in the following sectors: 

– Medicine, Biotechnology, Public health and Hospital Organization
– Agriculture and Food Science
– Application of Information technology to education and Scientific research
– Environment, Water Treatment
– New Energy Sources, oil alternatives and exploitation of Natural resources
– Innovation in Production Processes
– Information Technology, Data Communications, Software, Cyber Security
– Space and Earth Observation

Israeli companies interested in collaborating  with the Italian companies are kindly requested to contact Dorit Zipovsky Ezer at the Italian Trade Agency in Tel Aviv no later than 10/7/16 for further information regarding the Italian projects, at the following details:

Dorit Zipovsky Ezer
03 – 6918130
[email protected] 



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