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Italian Embassy Events in Israel- Call for proposals for joint R&D projects

May. 6, 2013

Call for proposals for joint R&D projects


Proposals for joint Italian-Israeli projects on industrial Research & Development are solicited, with deadline May 3rd, 2013.

The projects have to combine balanced contributions by

  • an Israeli partner, which must be an industrial entity, possibly assisted by a non-industrial, eg research entity;
  • an Italian partner, which may or may not be an industrial entity, but in the latter case must be assisted by an industrial entity.

The average contribution awarded to the Italian partner, for the call in 2011, was in the order of 85,000 Euro.

The call is issued by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs :
and by MATIMOP on behalf of the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour :
The relevant documents are reproduced on this webpage for ease of consultation, but inquiries should be primarily addressed to the respective administrative offices, as specified in the call.


Document list:

  1. Call 2013 (Italian) page acrobat Call for proposals for joint R&D projects;
  2. Call 2013 (English) page acrobat Call for proposals for joint R&D projects;
  3. Additional rules for the italian participation (Italian) page acrobat Call for proposals for joint R&D projects;
  4. Project Application Form (English) page acrobat Call for proposals for joint R&D projects;
  5. Substitutive declaration private contractors (Italian) page acrobat Call for proposals for joint R&D projects;
  6. Substitutive declaration public contractors (Italian) page acrobat Call for proposals for joint R&D projects;
  7. Italy-Israel agreement  (Italian) page acrobat Call for proposals for joint R&D projects.


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