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Join The Israeli Delegation to the 6th SelectUSA Investment Summit

Jun. 10, 2019

Registration is open for the 6th SelectUSA Investment Summit taking place June 10-12, 2019, Washington, D.C.!

The United States welcomes companies of all sizes and sectors, from established multinationals to high-growth startups to the 2019 SelectUSA Investment Summit in Washington DC.

The summit will highlight the diversity of the United States – enabling any business to find the people, resources, and market it needs to be successful.

The SelectUSA Investment Summit is the highest-profile event dedicated to promoting business opportunities in the United States, companies will meet directly with the states U.S. economic development organizations to explore these opportunities.

More than 3,000 participants from 66 international markets and 50 U.S. states attended the 2018 summit.

Summit benefits

Networking – Set up meetings with economic development professionals, service providers, and government leaders through our robust online matchmaking program to meet the right people and make a smart investment in the United States.
Education – Learn more about how, where, and why to invest in the United States.
Access to Resources – Hear about innovative resources and incentives directly from federal, state, and local officials.
The agenda is packed with practical information; you’ll learn about resources, tools, and regulations to help you seize investment opportunities with confidence.
High-profile business and government leaders will share their insight on the latest trends.

If you are thinking about establishing or expanding operations in the United States this event is for you!

Israel has 30 spots only so register early to secure your space.

For summit agenda and registration – https://www.selectusasummit.us/Apply/Apply-to-Attend

For more information contact Sigal Mendelovich at [email protected] or call 03-5198525.

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