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Jumping Point: 3 Months Program Towards a Pilot in Russia

Jul. 27, 2017

The Program

– Pilot In Russia: 3 months’ program resulting in a real and relevant pilot in Russia for the technology.
– Program Support: Upon a successful Pilot, Jumping Point will assist the ventures to close the first deal with a Pilot Client.

Program Benefits 
– A 3 months’ program advances the ventures (up to 5 selected ventures each round) into a viable pilot in Russia, resulting in:
– Globalization of company’s activity
– Company’s increased valuation
– Generating real opportunities for raising funds from Russian investors
– During a 3 months’ program the selected ventures will be entitled to:
– Biz & GTM docs consulting on how to adjust for the Russian market and market validity exploration
– Pilot exploration in Russia by Program representative
– Consulting on financing opportunities in Russia (insured finance packages)
– Mentoring and lectures on doing business in Russia (once in a fortnight)
– Mentoring on Russian Government Funds & Investment opportunities
– Introduction to 14 Angel Clubs in Russia via High Tech Center Israel-Russia
– Investment Pitch Day
– Launching a Pilot in Russia with a relevant client!

Who can apply to the Program?
– Companies with a working product (POC deployed);
– Professional team looking to expand its market;
– Russian translated executive summary and PPT
– Preferable industries: FinTech, Cyber, SaaS, Tourism, Mobile and Medical (OTC).
– Preferable B2B/B2G

Program – Enrollment 
– All submitted applications will be subjected to the preliminary examination including Pilot probability check.
– Selected ventures will be entitled to the program participation including launch of a viable pilot, mentoring and introduction to the funds against the following:
– Program Participation Fee of 20,000$, out of which an initial fee of 2,000$ shall be paid upon the Program enrollment, with a remaining amount paid only out of actual revenues generated from the sales to the Pilot client;
– Fee of 5% out of actual revenues generated from the sales to the Pilot clien

Companies meeting our selection criteria can apply for the program via our Website:

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