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Marketing Strategies Seminar

Jul. 3, 2013

StarTau and PresenTense’s Strategic Marketing Seminar will teach you the techniques and strategies your business needs to stand out and succeed in your market.

You hold a business with great team and product and you’re still waiting for customers?

The purpose of the seminar is to learn how to build and execute an effective marketing plan for your business. You’ll be taught the marketing strategies and techniques that all entrepreneurs need. We’ll cover fields like marketing research, online marketing, use of new medias or content creation.

3/7-4/7- 17:00-21:00 | 5/7 9:00-13:00 | Tel- Aviv Uni. Sackler Med School

Link for more details

The seminar will be conducted in English

Contact– [email protected] 03-640-9118

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