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Medtech Raanana – Pitch Bootcamp #10

Aug. 29, 2019
Call for application for MedTech Raanana‘s 10th ACCELERATION PROGRAM:
MedTech Raanana Innovation Center invites you to apply to the new class of 8 weeks Acceleration Program – Pitch Bootcamp #10
Do you have an early stage digital health, medical device pharmaceutical, assistive tech, rehabilitation tech or health IT startup?This is for you!
The weekly 8 weeks program is covering all the foundations for your journey and more:
  1. Focus on medical industry and content
  2. Mentoring
  3. Access to MedTech’s community
  4. Presenting a 7 minute pitch on Investor Event.
**DEADLINE to apply: August 29, 2019**
**KICK OFF: September 24, 2019**
|You are welcome to contact MedTech for further inquiries: [email protected] 
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