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MIXiii-BIOMED 2018: 80% Non-Refundable Cash to Israeli Life Science Companies by Polish Authorities

May. 15, 2018

Towards our MIXiii-BIOMED Conference:

Polish Auothirities will be present at our MIXiii BIOMED Conference to provide information to Israeli companies in the life science field about benefits suggested by Polish government.

If your business is about one of below specializations, this opportunity is for you:

– Research and development of medicinal products, diets and food supplements
– Bioinformatic, telemed technologies and IT medical tools
– Biological synthesis in medicine
– Artificial organs
– Technologies and material technologies in medicine
– Equipment and medical products
– Diagnostics and therapy of civilization diseases and personalized medicine
– Manufacturing of medical products
– Multifunctional materials with advanced properties, including nano-products
– Sensors (including biosensors) and intelligent sensor networks.

Putting your foothold in Poland (via your own Polish subsidiary or via Polish partner) you can benefit from highly qualified and low remunerated specialists and scientists, use state of the art laboratories but also benefit from non-refundable grants in several phases of your development, including: – R&D activities; Non-refundable grants for R&D activities; No claim on IP to be developed using grants in Poland; R&D laboratories (capital expenditures); Manufacturing capacity (capital expenditures) related to innovative product(s); Export promotion of products manufactured in Poland; Low CIT.

To benefit from those opportunities, an Israeli company should have its Polish subsidiary company. The shares may be owned by foreign entity for 100%. In case the Polish subsidiary company has SME status, the chance of approval and level of grant are higher compared to a large company (250 employees or more). Lack of history of the entity (freshly erected, start-up, SPV) does not pose any limitations to getting a grant.

For setting a meeting to discuss how your venture can benefit from Polish opportunities in Poland, please contact [email protected] .

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