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New Paradigms in Software Engineering – Reducing Risks for Startups

Jun. 22, 2015

The event will be held on June 22nd at 6 PM in Classroom 011 in the Classroom Building of the Engineering School of Tel Aviv University. It’s hosted by Shiluvim, the Alumni Club of the TAU Engineering School — and sponsored by 1060 Research.

Register here: http://bit.ly/1dW40x4


Our Keynote speaker, ToM Mueck, is the Director of Business Development at 1060research – which was spun out of Hewlett Packard Labs in Bristol. ToM will discuss his company’s approach to long-lived systems and Resource-Oriented Computing, and will present two startup case studies.


Our panel will discuss various aspects of this hot topic – including reducing risk in the BUILD part of a Lean Start-up’s BUILD-MEASURE-LEARN cycle. Joining ToM on the panel will be Reuven Lerner and Dotan Horovits.


18:00-18:30 – Registration and Networking

18:30-18:45 – Welcomes, Shiluvim and ISN

18:45-19:30 – Keynote Speaker

19:30-20:15 – Panel Discussion

20:15-20:45 – Networking & Refreshments (The building closes at 21:00)

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