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Pitch#6 Bootcamp: Brazil-Israel Challenge

Mar. 13, 2018

The Brazil-Israel Challenge is a collaboration between the MedTech Raanana Innovation Center & Lemonade Accelerator Program. The goal of the program is to identify, discover and create technologies and products that answer need in the Brazilian Healthcare Market.

The Challenge is divided into three parts:
1)  Mar – May 2018 Pre-acceleration Phase in Brazil and Israel (as part of the MedTech Bootcamp Program).
2)  July – Aug 2018 Prototyping Phase in Israel – teams from Brazil will join selected Israeli teams to reach a tangible Investment R&D milestone.
3)  Sep 2018 Brazil’s Funderpar Accelerator will decide which companies could go into full acceleration phase in Belo Horizonte.

The Challenge is focused on the following  areas:
– Health IT – Diagnostics: Quick or less invasive Diagnosis, using chips and nanotechnology; Point of care diagnostics; Remote/self diagnosis
– IOMT ( internet of medical things) – including Homecare & point of care
– Wearables
– Therapeutics
– Rehabilitation
– Large populations screening
– Aging/ elderly monitoring – Brazil is suffering from aging more than western countries.

To apply click here.

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