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Poland – Great Place for Innovation Investors

Jun. 22, 2017

8:30 – 9:00


9:00 – 9:10









9:10 – 9:30



9:30 – 09:50



09:50 – 10:20



10:20 – 10:40



10:40 – 11:10


11:10 – 11:30



11:30 – 11:50



11:50 – 12:10



12:10 – 12:30



12:30 – 13:00



13:30 – 17:00



Opening of the conference


Keynote by Mr. Ambassador Jacek Chodorowicz – Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Israel

Opening remarks by Mrs. Karin Mayer Rubinstein –  President of the Israeli Advanced Technology Industries


Official part of the conference

Moderator – Elroy Knebel – Managing Partner Knebel & Co. Law office Tel Aviv/Warsaw.


Session #1: Polish government policy on innovations development –  Ministry of Development, the Republic of Poland


Session #2: Poland – strategic place to locate production of innovative products –

Wojciech Fedko – vice president of Polish Investment and Trade Agency


Session #3: Poland is a country of great resources for R&D projects execution – Prof Agnieszka Wierzbicka – Warsaw University of Life Sciences


Session #4: Special Economic Zones to serve investor needs – Krzysztof Drynda board member of INVEST-PARK


Networking session and coffee break


Session #5: Public incentives available in Poland for foreign investors – Mr. Tomasz Hoffmann – Managing Partner PNO Consultants


Session #6: Setting up Polish subsidiary and legal ecosystem for foreign investors in Poland – Anna Lengiewicz Managing Partner LWB Law Office – Warsaw.


Session #7: Running a business in Poland is easy and cheap – Piotr Fic – Managing Partner EFA Polska


Session #8: Cooperation between Polish and Israeli ecosystems – Uzi Breier – VP strategic partnerships  StartUp Nation Central


Panel and Q&A session with all speakers: Poland was never such a great place for innovation development and commercialization.


B2B sessions on following topics:


  • Activities eligible for subsidies
  • R&D – state of the art laboratory equipment
  • HR – top education and reasonable wages
  • Special Economic Zones – opportunity on top of EU grants
  • Business law in Poland


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