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Samurai Incubate 1st Demo Day in Tel-Aviv

Jul. 9, 2015

This is the first Demo Day of Samurai Incubate in Israel.Selected cutting edge startups will pitch to investors and attendees. And the best 100 investors and medias will attend to this closed special event.

Overview Portfolio Companies 
The business area of portofolio companies are below.
AdTech, Fundraising Platform, Gaming, FinTech, Mobile App… 15 startups will pitch.More details coming soon…

18:00 ~ 18:30 Reception
18:30 ~ 18:40 Opening Talk by Ken-Samurai

18:40 ~ 19:40 Startup Pitch
19:40 ~ 19:45 Comment
19:45 ~ 21:00 Networking with Sushi

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