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Seeking Companies to be Interviewed for the Entrepreneur Journeys Series

May. 3, 2013

Sramana Mitra – a well-known Silicon Valley strategist, serial entrepreneur, and former Forbes columnist – is the founder of the One Millon by One Million global virtual incubator. As part of this program, Sramana has already  interviewed over 600 successful companies for her series, Entrepreneur Journeys. http://www.sramanamitra.com/entrepreneurship-case-studies  These interviews are read by the many senior tech executives and investors who follow her – as well as by participants in the course and visitors to her site.

Sramana is interested in adding more Israeli companies to the mix, since, to date, only a handful have been interviewed. She has a profound appreciation for the technological contributions made by Israel in so many areas, and is eager to leverage her extensive networks to tell their stories – as well as to encourage Israeli startups to participate in her excellent program.

She has set aside several of her weekly public strategy roundtables for Israeli startups. In addition, her representative in Israel, Arlene Marom (Organizer of IsraelStartupNetwork) is arranging pitchfests sponsored by multinationals during which startups pitch to Sramana via Webex, with the winners awarded scholarships to her program. The first such event took place at Microsoft, and several more are being planned.

The Entrepreneur Journeys Series is focused on companies that have achieved at least $5m in revenue, and operate in one of the following business areas: Software, IT, IT-enabled services, Internet, e-Commerce, and Online/Digital Media businesses.

We are eager to assist in expanding the Israeli presence in this series, and therefore ask that you contact Sramana’s representative ([email protected]) with your request to be interviewed – or with a suggestion for other companies that meet the requirements.

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