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Sports Tech Nation 2019

Nov. 24, 2019

We are excited to invite you to Sports Tech Nation 2019
Colosseum Sport’s Annual Summit

Driven by more than 800 sports-related startups, Israel is considered one of the worldwide leading countries in developing groundbreaking technologies for the sports tech industry. Therefore, we are happy to invite you and gather the most renowned international leaders in the field of sports in TLV:

24/11 Evening – Welcome Cocktail at the Bloomfield Stadium
25/11 – Main day at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

Leading investors, sports organizations, the world’s best clubs, journalists will be meeting a broad range of sports tech startups to discuss how the sports world integrates innovation and the disruptive technologies that arise in all verticals. The summit will also focus on tackling investment opportunities in sports as well as in sports tech while highlighting the industry’s latest trends.

This year we are glad to host top executives from FC Barcelona, FIFA, UEFA, the French/ German/ Spanish football Leagues as well as top executives from companies such as Intel Sport and Dentsu.

Please make sure to book your seat for the summit (early-bird tickets are still available)

To get a 25% discount ue the code STN25

Register now – [email protected] or +972-542211822

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