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Start up Speed Dating No.14

Nov. 25, 2014

Looking for someone to work with you on your startup

Seeking a co-founder ?

Join the Startup Speed Dating networking event presented

by the cupids of entrepreneurship.

This is no ordinary networking get-together where no-one talks to strangers,

so get your pitch ready, and get ready to find the one.

The event is limited to 50 co-founders.

get ready with an elevator (1 min) pitch of you and your venture

Hever Hale’umim 10 St. (free parking), Tel Aviv-Yafo

Cost to Participate is 39 ILS

TO REGISTER click here


17:00: gathering and welcome

17:30-18:00:  Lecture

Shelly Lev: Choosing the right partner for your startup – how to do it right?


Shelly Lev

Consultancy and Training for Organizations Prior to that, Shelly worked as an international human resources manager in the hi-tech industry. In this capacity she supported the human resources activity in 13 countries focusing mainly on: international recruiting processes, cross cultural management effectiveness, international team management and preparing managers for relocation assignments.

Shelly has completed her M.Sc. studies in Organizational Behaviour in Tel Aviv University; she has a B.A. in East- Asia studies and Political Science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and an advanced Chinese Diploma from NanKai University in TianJin, China.


18:00: Start up – Speed Dating


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