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The 2nd International Convention on the Economy of Innovation: 10% Discount for IATI Members

Mar. 21, 2016

Following the success of the 2013 “From IP to NP” convention, AIPPI Israel and its partners are happy to invite you to register to the 2nd International Convention on the Economy of Innovation to be held at the David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel
March 21-22, 2016

The 2nd convention will provide new and unique opportunities to learn from and meet top professionals in business, legal practice, academia and leading government officials.

Over 60 prominent speakers from the US, Europe, Asia and Israel are presenting in this engaging event.

The conference will offer insight into the pivotal legal and business decisions faced by innovators and businesses on a daily basis, in the various stages of development and will focus on some of the IP tools most useful to protect and grow a business.

To view the conference schedule click here.

To download the conference detailed program click here.

Conference participants are also invited to join a special 1-day “Start-Up Nation” tour on Sunday, March 20 and meet some fascinating innovative Israeli companies (at an additional cost).

Early-bird registration fees available until Feb. 14, 2016

For Registration & additional information: www.aippi.org.il/conference 

Or contact Ms. Dorit Korine, M.Sc., Patent Attorney
Conference Coordinator for AIPPI Israel
Phone: (972) 52-3541375
Email: [email protected]

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