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The International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound

Mar. 14, 2016

The International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound

ISTU 2016: March 14-16, Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

We are proud to announce that ISTU 2016 will be held in Israel. This is going to be an outstanding opportunity for interaction with experts, researchers and companies in the field of therapeutic ultrasound from all over the world. For years, Israel is positioned in the center of this emerging field; some of the most innovative ideas and pioneering works started here.

The program includes educational sessions, clinical and technical sessions on various medical applications with special focus on brain and neurological treatments. We will have a live video of MRI guided focus ultrasound (MRgFUS) procedure in the brain (under construction), Co-produced by RAMBAM medical center, Haifa and Insightec ltd., the Israeli flagship of the industry.

You are invited to submit your abstracts for a poster or an oral presentation (on-line submission). Please note the dead-line for abstract submission.

The 3 days conference (Monday – Wednesday) will be followed by an “innovation day” in Jerusalem, combining a guided tour in this beautiful city and a professional activity.

See you there!

Shmuel Ben-ezra, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee

Click here to submit an abstract

Click here to register


About ISTU

The International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU) is a non-profit organization founded in 2001 to increase and diffuse knowledge of therapeutic ultrasound to the scientific and medical community, and to facilitate the translation of therapeutic ultrasound techniques into the clinical arena for the benefit of patients worldwide.

For more information about the ISTU click here.

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